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1. The “data controller,” as defined by the GDPR, is University of Arkansas at 蒙蒂塞洛.
2. 你的个人 data may be used by the University to provide educational services 并向您提供相关的商品和服务. 例如,我们可能存储或处理信息 you provide when you inquire about or apply for admission, when you apply for or participate in University programs or activities, or when you apply for financial aid or housing 或者请求健康服务. 您的个人资料也将被用于执行相关的 大学的行政、规管及财务职能. 如果你 purchases, such as instructional materials, we may process your personal data in order to complete transactions or provide the materials to you, and we may provide personal data to vendors, to the extent required by the University’s agreements with such vendors.
3. 你的个人 data may also be processed by the University in order to comply with 大学的法律义务. 这些义务可能由美国施加 federal 法律, the 法律 of one of the United States, the 法律 of the EU, or the 法律 of 欧盟成员国.
4. 您的个人资料可能会被处理,以保护您的切身利益或 the vital interest of another person when you are incapable of giving consent, for reasons of public interest in the area of public health, for the purpose of protecting student health or safety, for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations imposed upon the University or when you have consented to the processing of your personal data. 待处理的个人资料可能包括敏感的个人资料 GDPR defines as information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of identifying a person and data concerning health, sex life or sexual 取向.
5. 阁下的个人资料可能会传送及储存于位于香港的设施 美国或欧盟以外的其他设施.
6. In order to provide goods or services to you, or to perform other functions described in this disclosure, your personal data may be viewed or processed by the University’s registrar, academic officers and staff, athletic staff, administrative and legal staff, 教官,财政援助官员和公共安全官员. 你的个人
data may also be viewed or processed by contractors engaged by the University to process 用于本公开所述目的的数据.
7. Your de-identified personal data may be used by the University to assist the University in assessing its programs and services, to provide information to assist the University in directing its recruitment efforts, for administrative 目的, and for research 目的.
8. If you are an employee of the University, your personal data may also be processed 与你的工作有关. 这些用途包括税务和监管报告, creating and maintaining personnel, payroll and benefits records, and providing or administering employee benefits or employment related insurance plans or products.
9. 你的个人 data will be stored until it is no longer required for the University 实现本文档中描述的目的. 至少,你个人的 data will be stored for the periods of time required by the University’s legal obligations, including contractual obligations and obligations imposed by United States and Arkansas 法律.
10. Under the GDPR you have the right to access your personal data, to receive a copy of the personal data you provided the University, and to have inaccurate personal 数据修正. 您也有权在以下情况下删除您的个人数据 它不再需要用于获得它的目的.
11. Under the GDPR you may also have the right to restrict processing where: (a) you contest the accuracy of your personal data, (b) where the processing is un法律ful and you request a restriction instead of erasure, and (c) where the University must retain 证据:为一项法律要求建立或进行辩护的资料.
12. 您也有权限制对您的个人数据的处理:(a) if you contest the accuracy of your personal data; (b) if your personal data has been un法律fully processed and you request restriction of the data instead of erasure; (c) when the University no longer needs your personal data for the 目的 described in this disclosure, but is required to maintain your data in order to establish or defend a legal claim; and (d) when, pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR, you have objected 处理您的个人资料.
13. Under Article 21 of the GDPR, you have the right to object to further processing of your personal data, on grounds specific to you, when the processing is not specific to your relationship to the University but is for carrying out a task in the public 对大学官方权力的行使有兴趣.
14. 您有权反对使用您的个人资料作直接促销用途 目的.
15. 我们必须处理您的个人资料,以便管理您的注册 provide you with opportunities to attend classes or engage in field work or study-abroad 计划,购买材料和参加大学课程. 大学 cannot provide you with educational or other goods or services, or the opportunity to engage in University programs, without processing certain types of personal data 在本公开文件中描述.
16. To exercise your right to correction or erasure of your personal data, to request a copy of your personal data, or revoke any consent you have given, you must make 你的要求,最好是书面的,给安妮萨·罗斯,P.O. 蒙蒂塞洛3626号包厢,邮编71656.